Tragedy of Medusa 0.4.2

Tragedy of Medusa 0.4

In Tragedy of Medusa 0.4, Queen Igret seduces Medusa and discovers her affinity to lust energy.  Perseus realizes just how important the gorgons are and resumes his mission to find them.

Update 0.4.2:

  • Fix missing images for "Medusa Lust" scene and 
  • Fix Andromeda's character object


  • 5 new scenes
  • Remastered renders for intro scene


First, this release is a bit smaller than I would have hoped.  I would have liked to complete one more scene, but it didn't happen.  The Warlord release on steam occupied more time, but things should resume back to normal now that that's over with.

There were two scenes added in between earlier content.  First, a scene called "Nightmares" was added right after the demon attack scene in Athens.  I believe this further conveys how disturbed Medusa is because of what happened in Athena's Temple and how it affects her sisters.  It's also important for her arc overall.  The second added scene is incomplete except for Stheno's narration.  It takes place before the final scene between Medusa and Stheno at the end of the 0.3 update.  This sets up how Medusa struggles to use heavenfire effectively for defense.  The renders for this scene will be included in 0.5 (or before).


com.deepglugs.tragedy_of_medusa-release.apk 523 MB
Version 0.4.2 Jan 04, 2023 512 MB
Version 0.4.2 Jan 04, 2023 517 MB
Version 0.4.2 Jan 04, 2023

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